Happy Maps
Happy Maps

Happy Maps

by ALXRTech

Get Together Better



Today you had a(n)

idea and decided go to


So far you're planning to have

come to this event.

Let's get mapping!





Name of place



123 Address Place


Search Results Help

  • Click on a result in the list to pan the map to the corresponding marker.
  • Click the bookmark icon in the list to organize your top choices.
  • Filter the list based on price, stars, or saved to bookmarks.
  • Sort the results based on price, stars, number of ratings.
  • Combine filter and sort, i.e.: filter by at least 4 ⭐ and then sort to see the results with the most ratings at the top to find reliably fantastic places.
  • 🖉 Edit the search to add or modify people who's drive you'd like to consider, change the day/time of the event, change the type of place you're searching for, or the city you're searching in.
  • 💾 Save your search for later (Not yet available, Coming soon!)
  • ⭧ Share your search with friends (Not yet available, Coming soon!)

Edit Help

  • You can search for anything you would search for in google maps.
  • Click the 🎲 in order to roll the dice for a new idea.
  • Click the Starting Point [+] button to add a new location to calculate drive times from.
  • Adding a Starting Point to the map allows you to see what their drive would be like to each location, and allows you to sort the results by optimal drive times for all parties.
  • Starting Point Markers can be dragged on the map to relocate them or updated via 🖉 edit and deleted by clicking the 🗑 button.
  • Setting the day and time updates the traffic conditions used to predict the drive times.
  • Changing the "Map Center" changes the area being searched. Feel free to enter another city, or drag the Map Center marker on the map.
's drive
25 mi
30 min